Friday, March 6, 2020

What Language Skills Do You Need to Become a Spanish Teacher

What Language Skills Do You Need to Become a Spanish Teacher What is The Required  Level of Spanish to Give Lessons? ChaptersAt Minimum, You Must Have a Good Grasp of Spanish!Being Bilingual in SpanishGet a Foreign Language DegreeFirst Lesson IdeasThe Level Required Depends on the Level of the StudentEnglish is often privileged to the detriment of Spanish.However, the Spanish language is, according to numerous experts, the living language of the future.Spanish in a few figures is:A language spoken by more than 400 million speakersThe official language of 21 countriesThe second most utilized language in international tradeThe second most spoken language in the United States, a country whose Hispanic community is continually growingNumerous employers and numerous schools thus view mastering Spanish as a real asset and, due to the growing interest in the language, there is an increasing need qualified Spanish teachers and for private Spanish tutors.Do you have a good mastery of the Spanish language? Have you acquired those linguistic skills over the course of the past few years?Are you asking yourself whether you too could give Spanish lessons to meet that sky-rocketing demand?Here is our advice to gauge your Spanish level before launching into the adventure of teaching - either in a school or giving bespoke lessons as a one-on-one private tutor.Discover also this complete guide to becoming a Spanish teacher...ñol como Lengua Extranjera, or DELE is a language examination and certification programme advocated by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and administered through Instituto Cervantes branches around the world.You can find branches of the Cervantes Institute in Leeds, London and Manchester, or touch on Spanish culture and language learning on their website. You may even schedule you DELE from the convenient links they provide!This exam, which challenges candidates’ knowledge and use of European Spanish, is set up according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).Exam takers may choose to test at any of the 6 levels offered.The lowes t level, A1, denotes language skills equivalent to a beginner speaker; the B-range indicates intermediate Spanish skills and the Cs represent near-fluency and fluency.You would need to test in the B range â€" B1 or B2, in order to teach through secondary school. Of course, the higher your certification, the better your chances are of earning a position as a teacher of Spanish so, if at all possible, testing at C1 or even C2 would greatly improve your potential for hire.A B-range exam would also be suitable to becoming a Spanish language tutor, with one caveat: at best, you would be qualified to work with students up to Key Stage 3.“Wait a minute,” you say, “I thought there were no laws regarding tutoring qualifications!” and you would be completely right, but only up to a point.While there are no laws governing certifications and qualifications of tutors, the accepted rule of thumb is that you must be at least one year/level more advanced than the students you work with.So, if your language skills are officially assessed as intermediate, you would be qualified to teach beginner to low-intermediate language learners. If that is the group you were hoping to work with, you’re golden!What if you’re a native Spanish speaker or bi-lingual?If you are a native speaker of Spanish, you would have the inverse situation: you would need to prove your English language skills before stepping in front of a classroom or taking on private students! In such a case, the TOEFL or IELTS exams are for you.If you are bilingual â€" if you’ve earned your Masters degree in Spanish language studies, you too should sit the DELE even though you have travelled a clearly documented path to language mastery.The DELE certificate provides you with a double layer of qualifications, with the one earned through the Spanish Ministry bearing more weight. And, as a bonus, a DELE certification never expires!Besides, a C2 certificate would look so good on your CV, and think of how it woul d boost your chances of landing the job of your dreams!Now, let’s talk more concretely about what you want to do with those newly-earned certificates.Learn how you too can become a Spanish teacher without formal qualifications...You must be proficient in Spanish to tutor for an academic company.Employment Avenues that Demand Spanish Language SkillsNaturally, the direction you go with your Spanish knowledge all depends on what you would like to do: become a Spanish professor? Or give private Spanish lessons?Of course, there are other career paths that call for Spanish language capability, such as international trade, banking and import/export. Our focus, however, is on teaching Spanish.To become a Spanish professor and give Spanish lessons, the most common path is to obtain a master’s degree in education.And, if you intend to teach Spanish in a classroom setting, as an instructor teaching under the National Curriculum, is necessary to attain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and und ergo Initial Teacher Training (ITT).If your intention is strictly private tutoring, it would be a good idea to get teaching experience at the same time as you are finishing your courses.To become a Spanish teacher in a school in Scotland, you will need to complete similar education requirements, satisfactorily complete a TQ exam and undergo Initial Teacher Education (ITE).Whether in Scotland, England or anywhere else in the world, these steps all demand an excellent level of Spanish.If what you want is to become a private tutor and give Spanish lessons from time to time to earn some pocket money, the path is less convoluted and offers  two options. You could join a company that offers academic tutoring, or set off independently.What are some companies that offer Spanish tutoring?Competitive Edge TutoringCactus Language CoursesProfessional Home TutorsKeystone TutorsBut be aware that you will need to have a bachelor’s degree, and possibly even a master’s degree, and official proof of your Spanish language capability to tutor for the most reputable companies.And you might be expected to pass an entrance exam as well, testing your written and oral skills. Your Spanish level will be scrutinized!Don’t go down this path unless you have an advanced level of Spanish!If you would like to become independent and tutor in Spanish as a freelancer, you are free to work without attaining a professional degree. It will be exclusively up to you, however, to find students to give Spanish lessons to!How would you go about it?One very effective way to find students for your Spanish lessons is to register for an online platform like Superprof, fill out your profile with your experience and your teaching style.Be sure to emphasise that you have submitted to a DBS check and, before you laugh all the way to the bank with all of the fees you will surely collect, make certain you have registered yourself with HMRC!Numerous students, both A-Level students and those already enroled at university launch themselves into private tutoring without being an expert of the Spanish language.Should you still be in school and looking for a way to earn a bit, you too will be able to choose between giving at-home or online lessons - or a combination of both! .Join the discussion: what essential qualities must a Spanish teacher have?Being Bilingual in SpanishStudying the language of Cervantes to give Spanish lessons isn’t necessary for everyone; some people are bilingual and thus have the possibility of skipping over the learning and certifying processes described above.If you grew up speaking English as well as the Spanish language, you may consider yourself bilingual.What does being bilingual mean?This word is often used incorrectly. To be bilingual means that you speak Spanish as well as you speak your mother tongue.So you are able to understand, write, and speak fluently, as well as you can speak English!The Benefit of TravelMany people improve their foreign language skills by traveling.Why not go on a language-immersion trip in Spain?Spend your summer vacation in Spanish-speaking destinations: Latin America or Spain… the choice is yours!In recent years, the most popular tourist destination for Britons has been Spain. Other popular Spanish-speaking cities that globe-trotting Brits love to travel to are San Jose, Costa Rica; Havana, Cuba; and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.Total immersion in a Spanish-speaking country is the best way to progress rapidly.This personal experience will allow you not only to improve your Spanish but also to enrich your culture.If you would like to improve your Spanish rapidly, you will need to get as much total-immersion experience as possible: go to public places, speak up, meet new native Spanish-speakers… You will need to experience a true linguistic exchange.Learning Spanish in Spain is a rare opportunity, so make sure you familiarize yourself rapidly and communicate as much as possible.Being bilingual will a lso allow you to set your Spanish lesson rates higher!Learn all about why travelling abroad is essential to becoming a Spanish teacher!Mother TongueFinally, some people will have no need at all to go on a trip to Spain or to take Spanish-language courses to become bilingual!If you are a native Spanish-speaker, if Spanish is your mother tongue or your second mother tongue, becoming a professor will be a piece of cake.Students who want to learn a language online are always looking to enrich themselves culturally but also and above all to obtain excellent pronunciation and a perfect accent.Working on Oral Expression Will Be Much More Appealing with a Spanish-Speaking Professor!But be careful not to rest on your laurels: pass the TOEFL, IELTS or and your teacher certification, so you can offer lessons catered to the widest range of Spanish learners!Discover more ways to become a Spanish teacher without a teaching certificate...4. Broach new material: only after you are assured that all previous difficulties have been addressed and all past lessons have been mastered should you start teaching a new facet or aspect of the language, be it vocabulary or grammar.5. Give your students plenty of opportunity to use the language s/he is learning.For some, teaching represents presenting material without giving students a chance to use it. Don’t be that teacher!Throughout your lessons, you should maintain a positive, encouraging attitude. You will find that students respond and learn better if their teacher is open and engaging than if the entire session consists of hitting the books and drilling in Spanish pronunciation.You might also consider bringing lots of visuals and other teaching aids to your lessons.Spanish culture is vibrant, colourful and fun! The music is lively and the language melodious; your lessons should reflect the cultural tone the Spanish language represents.One last tip: keep detailed notes on every student.By keeping records of where your students are at in their learning, the difficulties they’ve faced (and, hopefully, overcome!) and what their ultimate learning goals are, you will be able to better prepare yourself to meet and teach each of your charges.Your questions answered: what degrees do you need to become a Spanish teacher?Focus mainly on the Spanish lexicon in order to help your student pass their SAT test.The Level Required Depends on the Level of the StudentObtaining an excellent level of Spanish to become a good professor is obvious, but is it necessary?If a beginner student wants to progress in Spanish, must you necessarily possess the same capacities as a professional to give them an introduction?Spanish Lessons in Middle School and High SchoolIf a student currently in middle school or in high school wants to improve their foreign language skills, you will just need to show that you are at an intermediary level.What do middle school and high school students learn in their high school classes?Listening skillsRead ing skillsPronunciation and conversation skillsThe coursework at this level is not very complex.At an intermediary level, you will be able to help a student if you know how to write in Spanish and have basic conversations.In sum, you don’t need to be bilingual to help a student in middle school or high school!What’s more important? Your teaching skills, your listening abilities, and your capacity to explain concepts clearly and simply.Test PrepPreparing for tests, such as the GCSE or A-Level Spanish exam generally follows the same rules as ordinary, periodic classroom   exams, but with one crucial difference.Whereas periodic exams focus on the material in the current segment being taught, end of year exams and school leaving ordeals are comprehensive: the material is more complex, the conversations are more advanced and there is more to be tested on.However, if you are asked to help a student prepare for their Spanish GCSE subject test, there are tools at your disposal!The numer ous tools available on the Internet will become your best ally.  You can use online tools to create exercises or review sheets for your student.You should have no trouble finding any; a simple search for 'Spanish teaching materials' will yield millions of hits: worksheets and videos, blogs from experienced teachers and other resources you may make use of, either for free or a small fee.The Necessary Oral and Written Level for Students Beyond the School Leaving examBeyond GCSE level, if you have attained intermediary Spanish speaking skills, they will no longer suffice. These students will need a tutor who has mastered the written and oral aspects of the language.Do you speak Spanish fluently? If the answer is no, you won’t be able to take your lessons with those students any further.You must have an advanced or even expert level of Spanish to be able to teach those of an intermediary level.You will most importantly need to be able to write without mistakes and speak fluently about anything and everything before you will be able to help a student who is already beyond the secondary school level.You must also have excellent teaching skills!If you’re unsure, simply ask yourself whether you could easily pass the test or class that the student is studying for.Find out how you too could incorporate technology into your Spanish lessons...

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